We started operating in the industrial construction sector in 2007 as a family business under the name MD – Montáže Diňa s.r.o. Our primary focus became the installation of technological equipment, and we wanted our name to reflect that. Therefore, in 2010, the name Monteza s.r.o. was established, under which we continue to operate today.
Rozsah montáže: – oceľové konštrukcie pod technológiu– potrubný most – odsirovacie zariadenie v licencii Helmich – filtračná jednotka – 40m komín s potrubím
Rozsah montáže: – kompletná hala vrátane opláštenia a žeriavovej dráhy– chladiace veže a chladiace okruhy – kompresorová stanica– dopaľovacia stanica – rekuperátor– filtračná jednotka so vzduchotechnickým potrubím